Over the years, the CCES has commissioned public opinion research in an effort to better understand how Canadians view the ethical issues facing sport and to determine if sport is living up to its potential. The results provide us with a snapshot of Canadian sport at all levels and shed light on the public’s thoughts on anti-doping and values-based sport. Survey results also have the power to help shape our work by exposing areas in which sport is underserved or is underperforming. 

Power of Sport: The True Sport Report 2022 explores how community sport generates social capital, creating benefits across a broad spectrum of societal priorities for all Canadians. The report builds on the first True Sport Report published in 2008 and includes additional sport-based research on children with disabilities, LGBTQ+ inclusion, experiences of racialized and Indigenous peoples, the impact of climate change on sport, and considers the consequences of COVID-19.

Jenkins Research Inc. has conducted three online surveys on behalf of the CCES to determine how Canadians feel about sport and whether it's living up to their expectations. The surveys are representative of the Canadian population. The survey questions have remained consistent year over year, though language has been adjusted to accommodate trends and questions regarding current issues have been included.

In 2014, Leger conducted a survey on 2,997 Canadians between the ages of 10 and 18. Using advanced analytics techniques, the sample of Canadian youth was subdivided into four groups, based on their admitted or suspected performance-enhancing substance use and their potential predicted behaviour. It was discovered that 18 per cent can be classified as “at risk.”

Final report of the Task Force on the Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Football. Download Performance Enhancing Drugs Pose a Significant Health Risk for Athletes, Children and Youth (2011).

Between November 7 and 10, 2009, Nanos Research conducted a random telephone survey of 1,005 Canadians 18 years and older. The CCES would like to thank Nanos Research for permission to publish this survey.

The “What Sport Can Do: The True Sport Report” provides conclusive proof of how good sport can be used intentionally to positively influence a wide range of societal goals, including child and youth development, crime prevention, education, social inclusion and economic and environmental sustainability.

The Strategic Counsel presents the findings from a survey of Canadians on values in sport.

A survey by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) revealed that almost all Canadians (92%) believe that community level sport can have a positive influence on the personal and moral development of youth. However, fewer than one in five Canadians feel very confident that this potential is currently being realized.

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